7 Digital Gifting Ideas for the Holiday Season

With the holidays fast approaching, you may want to explore creative ideas to replace some of your annual traditions. It can be hard to see loved ones at the holidays and shipping delays are a real possibility this year! Save yourself the hassle and consider digital gifts this year! Here are some digital-only ways to keep gift giving fun!
- Virtual Secret Santa: This is a simple spin on an old classic and a great way to exchange gifts with friends who are miles away! Divvy up your friends and family by randomly assigning someone for whom they are responsible to get a gift for. Then, once all the Secret Santas have been chosen, everyone can check out a selection of Christmas gift cards and pick what they think their recipient will enjoy the most!
- Holiday Surprise for Employees: Employees can be some of the hardest people to shop for and maybe the most appreciative when receiving a gift! It is important especially in these times to show everyone that you appreciate them for all the hard work they do. While it may be difficult to figure out what to get, something that is universally loved and appreciated is a gift card. Pick out a festive Christmas eCard and include a gift card from a brand they will love. It is fast and easy and will most definitely be a hit!
- 12 Days of Christmas – 12 Days of Gift Cards: This idea can be reserved for someone special, that you may not get to see in person this year. Taken from the popular song of the same name, this idea speaks for itself starting December 13th (or whenever you want to start) send your loved one a digital Christmas card with a gift card from a different brand every day leading up to Christmas Day!
- Meal Service Subscription: Many people are going through a hard time this year and the holiday season might be amplifying that. A nice gift that could also be a lifesaver for a loved one could be a weekly meal kit like HelloFresh or Blue Apron. It could help make dinner planning a little easier and that’s one more thing off of your recipient’s mind in these hectic times. Similarly, you could send a Doordash gift card to cover some of their meals. Once you have it all set up, send a free Christmas card with all the details!
- Digital Gift Card Chain: A fun way to share some holiday spirit and love is to start a holiday gift card chain. Send a virtual Christmas card with a gift card to someone special and inside state that the card comes from Santa with a wish that they will help him spread the Christmas spirit by sending another gift card along to someone else with the same instructions. This way you can spread some cheer to those who need it and hopefully, it may have even more far-reaching effects!
- Digital Yankee Swap: A fun way to celebrate the holidays with friends and family near and far is with a Yankee swap! Randomly assign participants a number. That number will be linked to a specific gift card that they will be responsible for (this information should be sent to them via chat or text message as you want to ensure the rest of the numbers are secret) as well as the order in which they will be picking. Then, the numbers are shuffled up once again and the swap begins. Guests take turns selecting numbers and the host will reveal which gift card they have selected. The key is to have each gift card worth the same amount allowing the brands to be what your guests want to swap for. Then when it’s all done, make sure everyone knows to whom they are responsible for sending their gift card! Let everyone know it’s easy to send gift cards with a Christmas eCard!
- Thank You Gift: There is always that dreadful feeling you get when it turns out someone got you something, but you didn’t get them anything. When this situation arises, you can simply send a digital gift card inside a beautiful digital card and they’ll never know!
Whether you need to tackle holiday gifting for specific friends and family, or if you want to find a fun and easy way to exchange gifts with a group of people, digital gifts are the way to go. It’s easy, instant, and removes all the typical hassle associated with holiday shopping!