Big Bopper - Bopping Heads Entertainment
po box 266
glen jean, WV
We have the latest and greatest in entertainment! We utilize the technology of the green screen to super impose your head onto dancing bodies to create your own personalized dvd video instantly! Your guests get a copy of their performance to take home with them!! This makes for great entertainment and a party gift for your guests all in one!! Bopping Heads is great for birthdays, fundraisers, church events, school events, and corporate events.
We also dj/mc/karaoke events. We have professional lighting system, PA system, and fog machine, We create a unique playlist of songs to cater to your guests styles of music!! We also have a great selection of karaoke for those who love to show off their musical talent!!
Lastly, we just expanded our business to videography. We can video recitals, wedding ceremonies, or other special events to be edited and personalized on dvd!
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Big Bopper - Bopping Heads Entertainmentpo box 266, Glen Jean, WVWe have the latest and greatest in entertainment! We utilize the technology of the green screen to super impose your head onto dancing bodies to create your own personalized dvd video instantly! Your...Read more
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